About Me

Hi, my name is Amy Nunnally!  I am a wife and a mother of three young children.  I grew up in Alabama, but moved to Colorado soon after getting married.  Though I will always have a fondness for the South, the Lord has given me roots here, and I am proud to call Colorado home!    

I grew up in the church and came to know the Lord when I was in elementary school.  I have spent my life trying to read His Word and listen to His voice, and He has always taken care of me.  Our God is amazing, and creative, and forever faithful, and I am excited to be on this journey of life with Him! 

Professionally, God has blessed me with the chance to be both a working mom and a stay-at-home mom.  I taught Anatomy & Physiology at a local community college for eight years, and I absolutely loved my job! Around the time my third child was born, my husband started a church, and with him still working his day job to support the family, it seemed like the perfect time to simplify our home life!  For two years, I stayed at home full-time, and enjoyed every wonderful, crazy, exhausting minute of it.  Now, we're entering into a new season around here - my husband is now working solely for the church (from home!), and I have gone back to teaching two days a week!  Whew!  Life just never stops changing, does it?!   

Personally, I enjoy photography, baking comfort foods, and going on adventures with my kids. We have big fun and make even bigger messes. We have a house filled with music and dancing, cooking and crafts. We are always working on being a bit more organized and a bit more tidy, but for today this is our life, and we love every bit of it!