Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where do I fit in?

I was out at dinner last night with some of my husband's co-workers and one man turned to me and said "So, what do you do?" My mind immediately went to something my friend Hillary asked a group of working-turned-stay-at-home-moms a few years ago: When people ask you what you do, how many of you start your answer with "Well, I used to ... "? That question has always resonated with me, so in that split second I made the conscious decision to proudly say, "I get to stay home with my kids right now." Well, his reply was "Oh, that's a really good thing ..." {silence} Well, thankfully, for the benefit of the conversation-hungry people at the table, my husband volunteered the "she used to be a teacher part", and we all joined in a lively conversation about the educational system in this country.

Hey, I tried, right?!

Isn't it strange how we can spend our time doing such important things as making lunches, teaching sunday school, or helping our kids with their homework, and still feel like we aren't doing something note-worthy?! I can tell that God is working with me on this, because it's been coming up a lot lately.  Simply put, I'm adjusting to the new life God has given me.  My "up-front, in-charge, teacher, worship leader" personality is having to get used to doing some of the behind-the-scenes, neccessary, repetitive tasks that are important and need to be done.  

A few weeks ago, I came across this story in I Samuel, and I was immediately struck by the last verse.  I didn't know why at the time, but now I do!  (my paraphrase) ... David and the six hundred men with him came to a ravine, where some stayed behind, for two hundred men were too exhausted to cross.  Therefore, David and the four hundred men continued the pursuit, defeated the Amalekites, and brought back all of their possessions.  Immediately, some of the men who had gone to battle with David said "Because the two hundred men did not go out with us, we will not share with them the plunder we recovered."  But David responded by saying "No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the Lord has given to us.  The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to battle.  All will share alike." (I Samuel 30: 9-25)

Isn't that a wonderful picture of how God views us?  We are all part of the body of Christ, whether we are are the hand or the foot, the beautiful eyes or the stubby big toe, and we are all important!  In this beautiful life that we live, there are exciting jobs and mundane jobs.  There are famous writers and those that do their editing.  There are ministry leaders and those that clean up after everyone leaves.  If you find yourself feeling like what you do is unimportant, remember that what we do, we do for the Lord and not for men, and the Lord promises that we will all share in His glorious reward!

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And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.  (Colossians 3:23-24)