Hey, I tried, right?!
Isn't it strange how we can spend our time doing such important things as making lunches, teaching sunday school, or helping our kids with their homework, and still feel like we aren't doing something note-worthy?! I can tell that God is working with me on this, because it's been coming up a lot lately. Simply put, I'm adjusting to the new life God has given me. My "up-front, in-charge, teacher, worship leader" personality is having to get used to doing some of the behind-the-scenes, neccessary, repetitive tasks that are important and need to be done.
A few weeks ago, I came across this story in I Samuel, and I was immediately struck by the last verse. I didn't know why at the time, but now I do! (my paraphrase) ... David and the six hundred men with him came to a ravine, where some stayed behind, for two hundred men were too exhausted to cross. Therefore, David and the four hundred men continued the pursuit, defeated the Amalekites, and brought back all of their possessions. Immediately, some of the men who had gone to battle with David said "Because the two hundred men did not go out with us, we will not share with them the plunder we recovered." But David responded by saying "No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the Lord has given to us. The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to battle. All will share alike." (I Samuel 30: 9-25)
Isn't that a wonderful picture of how God views us? We are all part of the body of Christ, whether we are are the hand or the foot, the beautiful eyes or the stubby big toe, and we are all important! In this beautiful life that we live, there are exciting jobs and mundane jobs. There are famous writers and those that do their editing. There are ministry leaders and those that clean up after everyone leaves. If you find yourself feeling like what you do is unimportant, remember that what we do, we do for the Lord and not for men, and the Lord promises that we will all share in His glorious reward!
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And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24)
Amy, you have NO IDEA how timely this post was for me! I've had to "shift" from one piece of the body to another a few times to find God's calling for me. I have that Colossians verse posted in my school room to remind me of my real work. :) I am so blessed to know you and to have read this today. Thank you for your diligence, friend!
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny that you would post that! I have been listening to "Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman a lot. The song speaks just to what you said. Whatever we do, we need to do unto the Lord. The question of where do I fit in is always on my mind as I take care of Ryan and Hannah and I just need to remember that God gave me these little ones for this season in my life and this is as important as any other job.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting Amy!
As a stay at home mom for the last 20 years or so I can look back now and the outcome is the answer to all of those who may have looked upon the "stay at home mom" job as insignificant. Are my kids perfect? no... AM I? Not even close! But through prayer and having the opportunity to bring the Lord up at so many areas and situations in their life, I pray that they are better equipped for the most important task and that is to be Godly men and women. That was and is the most important job that God could ever have blessed me to have. And those days when even your husband comes home and says so what did you do today honey? The bed is made, dishes are done, laundry, dinner is ready and the kids are still alive... and its day after day afer day and you really wanna say are ya kiddin me! God knows the heart and love that only moms can give! Smile and endure knowing those babies will grow up someday confident,nurtured, knowing and loving God.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Anonymous - I appreciate your comments. I know that being a homemaker is wonderful, rewarding and where God wants me but it is nice to hear from an experienced mom that they are thankful for those years!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - thank you! I am so encouraged to hear the voice of someone who's been through it! You're right, the answer is found in the outcome, and hearing yours gives us all hope! I know that we should not seek perfection (though I do too often in my own life and in my children), but it's the heart that matters more than anything. I pray that all of our children grow up secure in the knowledge that they are loved by their parents, and that they understand that our love is only a small fraction of how much their Heavenly Father loves them! If they have that security in the Lord, they will have the confidence to handle anything!
ReplyDeleteI am so blessed to hear from all of you! Jeni, you're so right about shifting roles. We can get so locked into the way we "do" life that when God changes things up on us, it can really be a shock to the system! I think it forces us to stretch and grow more than we're ready for sometimes!
ReplyDeleteMonique, I also like your point. Our children are such a wonderful blessing, and this season with them is so short. I need to be quicker to remember how precious a time this really is, especially when the days get long!