When it seems like most days are spent wiping runny noses and picking up toys, it's hard to imagine there will ever be time to pursue ministry opportunities. As I recently shared with a group of moms, though, you might be doing more than you think.
The first thing is... to remember what’s first! If I have been called to be a wife and mom (as evidence by the fact that I’m married with kids!), then after loving the Lord, my next priority is to love my husband and children. This means that "outward facing" activities at work, at church, or in the community, will need to fall to a lower priority in my life. For our family, this has meant that for a season, I have been very focused on my household as a stay-at-home-mom. I have taken occasional contract work, and I do some Bible study ministry at certain times of the year. However, I want those outward facing activities to be an extension of my family life, never in opposition to it. Furthermore, I want my family to work and serve alongside me, sharing in my joy of reaching out to others. To help me find the right balance, I have learned to use my husband as a sounding board for outside activities. Bible-study author Denise Glenn says that when the phone rings with someone asking her to serve in a particular way, she says, "That sounds interesting. I will talk it over with my husband and get back to you." Then, she listens to what he has to say! I, too, have found that my husband gives me another perspective on how I'm spending my time and energy and how it affects our family.
Second, never underestimate how important the normal, daily training of children is to any future outreach opportunities for your family. The truth is, kids who are whiny, ill-mannered, selfish and disobedient are a hindrance to anyone's ministry. Of course, all kids have days when they are one or all of the above! But that's why they have Mom to teach them about having a good attitude, a gracious heart, and an obedient spirit. Mom, if you are in the trenches doing the day-in, day-out godly parenting you've been called to do, then you are having an impact that can change the world. When it is the right time and God puts an opportunity in front of your family, your kids are going to be the ones helping box up the food pantry items, diligently cleaning the fellowship hall, and taking homemade treats to the shut-in neighbor. It takes time, courage and dedication to become a family that serves, but it is worth it!
Finally, we need a reminder that wherever we are right now is exactly where we are called to serve. We are to be "redeeming the time, for the days are evil." (Eph 5:16) That means walking through our day bringing mercy, grace and resurrection power into the lives of the people with whom we interact. Some ideas from my house:
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• Keep disposable containers on hand to take a meal to someone and pray with them. • Keep open time in the family schedule so that you're available when God sends someone to sit at your kitchen table who needs to hear that He really, truly does care about them.
• Leave a tip for the people who clean the tables at the fast food place so they will know that you notice and appreciate their hard work. Point out other hard-working people to your children and take time to thank those people.
• Drive or walk around the neighborhood, quietly praying for the families that live there and praying over the houses that are for sale. Then, actually get to know the neighbors!
• Involve the kids in simple outreach projects like stuffing backpacks with school supplies, collecting for the food pantry, or helping you babysit for a harried mom so she can get a break.
• Tell your kids that they are serving, too, when they stay quiet while you pray with someone on the phone or open the door for you as you carry a tray of food to your car.
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Little things, yes, but I believe with all my heart that when my family is faithful in these little things, our Father smiles. What little ways to serve have you found in your own home?
So encouraging! I love it when my kids see opportunities to serve others even before I do. Of course, it's also a reminder of my distracted mindset too. :)
ReplyDelete- Beth Nunnally
You're so right, Beth! They see others' needs in such a pure light. They are unencumbered by the fears, preconceptions, and insecurities that get in the way of me DOing what God wants me to do so many times!