Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stitch in Time

By: Cassia Glass - Houston, Tx
Ever have a moment when you are awed by the bigness of God? Perhaps when you are singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and it’s as though all the saints and angels across all time have joined together before the Lamb? I live for those moments and the sudden perspective shift that happens. During one such worship time, I began to think about history, about God’s story for humanity, past, present and future. I saw in my mind’s eye a massive tapestry unfurling before me, complex, multi-hued, a work of art. It was too huge for my eye to take in. As I looked at the tapestry, I began to focus, as through a magnifying glass, on the tiniest details until I could see the individual stitches. Each stitch was the heartbeat of one person, each person a part of the body of Christ, woven together across time. No stitch in itself seemed important, and perhaps no one would notice if a stitch were the wrong color or missing all together. But what if two stitches were missing. Or three. Or three hundred? 

Moms, whether you realize it every day or not, your very existence, your being here in this life, in your house, at your kitchen table with the family God created is purposeful. Your stitch in His tapestry is vital. Your tiny burst of color, your life, is not without meaning because it is part of His Masterpiece. You and I may be but tiny stitches in time, but we are part of history. And not just the march of human events. Because we are in Christ, we are woven into His massive, glorious plan of reconciling all things back to God through Himself. If we let this truth penetrate our hearts, could it change our perspective on some things? Perhaps.
I recently shared an old adage with some other moms: “We are Human Beings not Human Doings.” We were talking about how to have quiet time with God when nothing in our houses is quiet. We talked about the guilt we sometimes carry because we can’t even make it out of our beds in time to have a picture-perfect moment with the Lord.  But sometimes our lives are in the trenches with small ones who need us desperately. We need to know that our God is caring for us and sometimes downright CARRYING us as we gasp for breath and grasp for Him. We need to know that we are not just marking time on the sideline while everyone else is experiencing “real life.” We are the vehicles through which God redeems His earth…sometimes one little runny nose at a time.  This Mother’s Day, take a moment to breathe, to worship, to thank the Lord for your life and the lives of these other small stitches in time. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:10
Happy Mother’s Day from Encouraging Mothers!

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