Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Keeping House

Here is the second installment from Lorra Casson!  Today she shares her thoughts about keeping a clean home.  Click here, to see her tips on meal planning!
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Hey!  I have a few minutes, and wanted to share some house cleaning ideas with you.  My favorite tip that I try to follow was passed on to me from a bible study leader several years ago.  We were discussing doing all things as though we were doing them for Christ, and she told us how the Lord led her to pray while doing laundry.  She had four young children at the time and mountains of laundry, so she started praying for whoever's clothes she was folding at the time.  I've started doing this, too, and I can say that it definitely makes folding clothes more enjoyable and faster, because your mind is not on the task but the person!

I also wanted to share with you my cleaning schedule.  This is something that came about when I felt God calling me to homeschool.  I wrestled with the idea of never having a straight/clean house if my children were always home with me.  This is still a daily struggle, but God showed me that if I can plan menus, daily activities for my boys, and schedule other things, why not my house cleaning as well?  This is what works for us and leaves most of the weekend for us to spend together as a family.  If I follow this schedule, (and some weeks that's a big IF) I spend less than an hour a day cleaning.   
  • Mon:    Laundry and vacuum  (everybody gets clean sheets this day)
  • Tues:    Clean kitchen (except floors) - and I usually cook extra items to freeze
  • Wed:    Clean bathrooms (except floors)
  • Thurs:   Mop and dust  (my 2 least favorite things to do!)
  • Friday:  Laundry and vacuum
Anything that doesn't get done during the week, I try to take care of first thing Saturday morning while my husband is playing with the boys. 

Something else that I just started is a chore chart for the boys.  Let them help as much as they can while they want to help.  They are both responsible for making their beds (bringing me their sheets if it's sheet day), bringing me dishes from the table, putting away silverware, picking up toys, and sweeping under the table (I got them their own little whisk broom and dust pan, they fight over who gets to sweep and who has to wipe the table!).  Although they don't do the jobs quite like I would, it is still less for me to have to do.  

I had planned to offer some weekly prize for the chores, but they ave been so excited over seeing their side of the chart filled with stickers, I don't offer anything else.  They are just learning that to be a part of this household we all have work to do. 
I hope this gives you some good ideas!

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If you have any great suggestions for what works well in your house?  We'd love to hear them!

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