Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Working moms ... no small task

A few months ago, my friend Tanya asked me to write a guest post for her blog with the topic of "Working Moms".  Those of you that know me now know that my life has changed a bit, and I a can no longer lay claim to the "working mom" title.  But as I look back on my professional years, I know that the Lord blessed every minute of it, and I enjoyed it tremendously!  I also realize that all the great nuggets the Lord taught me then, still apply to me today - and it reminds me even more that Moms are Moms and our job is the same, no matter what our title is! 

While I was in the nostalgic mood, I also spent some time looking through some old pictures and found these from my first baby shower - with Tanya and her mom, Sandy, celebrating with me!  Miss you, Tanya!

If you have a minute, hop on over to Tanya's blog She Has Virtue, and take a peek!

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