Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Make Friends and Influence People - Kindergarten Style

After two weeks of kindergarten, my quiet little girl finally told me "I don't have any friends at school, Mama."  As we snuggled on the bed and talked, I thought about how big and scary making new friends at a new school must be, and I realized she needed a boost!  She is very self-assured in familiar surroundings, but in this new place, I wanted to give her an opportunity, in a more personal setting, to gain some confidence. 

The plan ... Super Mommy's After School Picnic!  (Hey, we all deserve the chance to be a superhero to our kids every now and then, don't we?)  Here's how it went:

My girl gets out of kindergarten at 11:30, the perfect time for lunch, so I grabbed a picnic blanket and packed some food ... way more than she could ever eat, and got to school early.  I set out the blanket and found the mom I had in mind. 

As class let out, I went for it ... "Excuse me.  Hello, I am trying to help my daugther get to know some of the other girls in class.  Would you and your daughter like to have a picnic with us sometime this week?"  She stopped!  (Usually we all run straight home after school, preoccupied with plans for lunch and naptimes, but this time, she stopped, and so did I).  Her daughter peeked up at me from behind her Mom and whispered "Can we do it today?"  Hmmm ... it was working!  Mom looked around, saw my little one on the blanket already snacking on pretzels, and decided, yes, they could stay and play for a bit!

And there it was!  A bonafide picnic with a new friend on the front lawn of the school.  My "pint-size" daughter got to share her "super-size" lunch, and the girls ate and played together for an hour while I got to know Mom (who is very nice by the way!).  After the food ran out, we headed for our cars, and my heart smiled as I heard Mom say "We can play again tomorrow, sweetie." 

And you know what?  We have!  My sweet little girl has had the opportunity to share her snacks, play and laugh, and even practice her tree-climbing skills with her new friend.  We have had some wonderful afternoons, and I love knowing that I played a part in helping my not-so-outgoing little girl feel a little more comfortable at school. 

And another perk?  I have a new mom-friend, too!  Hmm ... maybe my shy kindergartener wasn't the only one who needed a boost in this sea of new faces! 


  1. Amy, I think you have hit on a wonderful idea and I hope you will expand your range of friends. After all, some of the other kids and mommies may be in the same pickle as you and Rachel. Go for it! Papa.

  2. Thanks, Papa! I actually started these picnics when Sarah started kindergarten. I took food and a blanket and we ate a relaxing snack together before taking the walk home. We started inviting different girls and moms to join us each time, and we're still friends with most of them today!
